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A sparse adjacency matrix representing a protein-protein interaction network compiled from multiple databases.




A dgCMatrix object from the Matrix package, where a value of 1 indicates a connection (interaction) between two genes, and 0 indicates no connection. The rows and columns of the matrix correspond to gene identifiers, and the matrix is square and symmetric, representing an undirected adjacency network.


The protein-protein interaction data was compiled from the following databases:

  • KEGG (

  • Reactome (

  • Biocarta (

  • NCI (

  • SPIKE (

  • HumanCyc (

  • Panther (


The `ppi` data set is a sparse adjacency matrix representing a protein-protein interaction network. The network was compiled from seven databases: KEGG, Reactome, Biocarta, NCI, SPIKE, HumanCyc, and Panther.

The rows and columns of the matrix correspond to gene identifiers, and the order of the genes is consistent across rows and columns. The matrix is square and symmetric, representing an undirected network, where an interaction between gene A and gene B is represented by a 1 in both the (A, B) and (B, A) positions of the matrix.


data(ppi, package = "labyrinth")

# Access a specific element of the matrix
#> [1] 12836 12836
ppi[1, 2]  # Interaction between gene 1 and gene 2
#> [1] 0

# Convert to a dense matrix for visualization or analysis
dense_ppi <- as.matrix(ppi)
#> Warning: sparse->dense coercion: allocating vector of size 1.2 GiB